So, in keeping up with updating I'm done with one side panel of the frame bag. I did this the other night. I'm trying to roughly keep track of how long this takes me to see what I think about time invested for future projects. I've had several friends ask me to make them one when I'm done and I want to see how much time this really takes. When I make the project for myself it's because I want to try to do it and make something that's exactly what I want, how I want, and have the learning. Anyhow, so far I'd say 1-2hrs getting materials figured out and planning, then after doing this probably 1.5hrs of actual "work" on the bag so far. Lots of figuring out with this first one though so I think next time could go a lot faster. For example, I spent 20min just laying out zippers where I thought I'd want them, measuring, etc.

This is the drive side of the bike's panel, finished. I'll be doing the non-drive in a similar way with a single zipper along the top. I plan to do just a map pocket on the non-drive side. Internal there will be dividers inside the bag to keep things organized and some mesh pocketing on the inside as well. I'll be sure to snap pictures as I go.
On the ride side, this week has been trainer rides Mon then again Wednesday. It is nice having the caadx to ride on the trainer vs. the mountain bike I used to use (with hometrainer tire). I haven't put the trainer tire onto the caadx yet as I'm still hopeful to get some road time in. I don't love it but it did give me a chance to watch some more Sons of Anarchy. I'm kind of over it but invested to all but 2-3 episodes left that are on netflix then I'll watch what I've DVR'ed. I liked the early seasons a lot but will have to see how the end goes.